
Instructions and videos to learn more about the image bank. Please contact us for personal help.

Media bank

The first thing you will encounter when you log in is an overview of your photos and albums. Here you can click into an image, select and manage images or click on to an album. Above the pictures to the right you will see the tools you use to manage your media.

Personal Information and Consents

Managing personal data is an important part of a functioning image bank. We have built-in support for managing consent directly in the image bank.

Search and download media

You can quickly find images by navigating through albums or by searching. Images can be downloaded in pre-selected formats or you can crop and resize yourself.

Upload media files

You can upload images, videos and documents in the image bank. Simply drag and drop files and folders.

Edit Images

To edit one or more images at once, select thumbnails and click Edit in the toolbar.

Sharing Files

Share images with the push of a button to external parties, to your press archive or open up your image bank with automatic guest login.

Users & Archives

Users can have different roles that control what they can do in the image bank. Which archives they have access to controls which files they can see.


Settings are available for both the individual user and the entire organization.